30 Best Questions to Ask During a Nurse Practitioner Interview in 2024
Written By:
Donna Reese
Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN
Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing. She utilizes her personal experiences to write from the heart to apply to her writing for various health publications, including BLOGS, newsletters, and educational materials and videos. Read Full Bio »» MSN, RN, CSN
So, you have made it to the interview phase of your nurse practitioner job search. Congratulations! You probably are busy researching questions that you may be asked during your upcoming meeting. But don’t forget to include the questions that you will ask the interviewer. This essential aspect of the interview will help you to gain valuable insight into the position. This part of the meeting deserves your time and effort to research quality queries to bring up to the interviewer. But what are the best questions to ask during a nurse practitioner job interview?
We make it easy for you to develop thoughtful and valuable questions to ask your potential employer. By reading “30 best questions to ask during a nurse practitioner job interview in 2024”, you should find this phase of your job preparation a breeze!
Can You Ask Questions During a Nurse Practitioner Job Interview?
Oh, yes! Your future employer expects questions at an
NP interview. I recall a time when I was the interviewer for a new member of our medical team. This person listened attentively but did not ask a single question. This lack of queries left me with a flat feeling about the person and interview. Was she not interested in the job? Does she have a personality? What was she thinking about? Your natural curiosity about the job and the give-and-take of questions and answers adds much depth to the interview.
Why Should You Ask Questions During a Nurse Practitioner Job Interview?
1. Avoid the candy-coated version:
Most employers want to highlight the positive aspects of a job to any potential NP. You may not get a true picture of the organization and position unless you ask the right questions. Any one of the questions to ask during an NP interview can lead to revealing information that you might not have gained through the interview otherwise. Digging deeper and making pointed inquiries can give you a more detailed and accurate idea about the job and culture of the organization.
2. Fill in the blanks:
Your interviewer may make assumptions that you know certain aspects of the position. Or perhaps they are not talented at describing the job. It is advised that you leave the interview with a firm grasp of the details of the position. If not, ask for more information to fill in any specifics that are unclear.
3. Avoid miscommunication:
Some of the questions to ask during your NP interview can pertain to clarification of any number of points. It is a good idea to summarize important details in the form of a question just to make sure that you both are on the same page. Remember our teaching in psychology on rephrasing a point to show the patient that we are understanding what they are saying? Practicing paraphrasing shows that you are listening but ensures that there is no misunderstanding.
4. You appear interested in the job:
By asking challenging questions during your NP job interview, you will provide stimulation and interest in the interview. You will get your questions answered (hopefully), and the interviewer will know that you are prepared for the interview. Preparation and research into the job are sure to help you to score well on the interview.
How Many Questions Should You Ask During a Nurse Practitioner Job Interview?
Some may feel that there are never too many questions to ask during a nurse practitioner interview. However, you don’t want to appear ill-prepared or clueless about your role or the organization. Do your homework first, so you don’t ask seemingly redundant or naïve questions. It is important that you get your pressing questions answered, but you don’t want to drag the interview on unnecessarily by drilling the interviewer with 20 questions. I typically ask between 4-8 questions throughout and at the end of the interview.
When Should You Ask Questions During a Nurse Practitioner Job Interview?
Each NP job interview is unique. I would “read” the environment to see when it is best to ask questions.
I have been on one side of a table with a line-up of administrators across from me, firing questions down the line from a script that they hold. Talk about a stressful interview! In these instances, I wait until the end of the meeting to ask questions. I must admit that I have needed a brief break during this type of interview. I may have asked a clarification type of question to deflect the attention off me while I caught my breath. Once my head stopped swimming with this brief interlude, I could then go back to the firing line. As a PEARL for interviewing, I have found that technique helpful.
However, in a more casual interview with only 1 or 2 interviewers, I like more give and take throughout the interview. I am more comfortable in this scenario, and I feel that the flow is much more natural. So I do disperse questions as they come naturally during the meeting in this instance. There still may be a few questions at the end of the process to ask, however, most of my pressing concerns have been taken care of.
What are the Best Questions to Ask About the “Job Position” During an NP Job Interview?
Question #1: Besides the tasks listed in the job description and what you described today, are there any other expectations for this job?
Why Ask This Question:
It is expected that you will have investigated the NP job description and background prior to the interview. Hopefully, the interviewer will have briefed you also on the basics of the job. This is your time to get clarification of the role and ask more specific questions that may still be unclear. Some interesting dialogue may come about when seeking an answer to this question that may not have come to light if you had not queried the interviewer.
Question #2: What goals do you have for this position that need to be accomplished in the next few months?
Why Ask This Question:
One of the questions to ask during an NP interview should involve future
goal expectations. Once you know what the future expectations are for the position, you hopefully have eliminated any big (possibly unpleasant) surprises. Nothing is worse than having to take on big tasks that you are unprepared to juggle along with a new job. Especially if you are a new graduate NP where each day is a challenge at work.
I recall an experience where my supervisor asked me to establish a new program for abused women in the practice when I was only weeks into my first NP job. Being young and not wanting to disappoint my employer, I agreed. However, it was a hardship for me as I had a busy home life with small children, and my feet were barely wet as a graduate nurse practitioner.
Question #3: What are some challenges that I may expect in this position?
Why Ask This Question:
It is good to know from the outset what you may be up against. If the interviewer is honest with you, you may uncover answers as to why the previous NP left or discord within working relationships, or other problems that you may face. The culture of the environment may be discussed by the employer, and you should gain valuable insight into the inner workings of this job. This is one of the make-or-break questions to ask during a nurse practitioner interview, as it may reveal some aspects of the job that you find objectionable and more than you want to take on.
Question #4: How many patients am I expected to see daily?
Why Ask This Question:
Knowing your patient load expectation is always one of the questions to ask during a nurse practitioner interview. It could make the difference between being over-scheduled and rushed vs a pleasant workday with enough time to see your patients to your liking. Unrealistically high patient demands per day are surely a recipe for disaster.
Question #5: To whom will I report?
Why Ask This Question:
It is a fair question to find out whom you report to in your new job. Knowing up-front who your immediate boss will be should help to clarify your role in the organization. If you are a new graduate NP, you would be best served to have another nurse practitioner or mentor to guide you from the get-go. If your superior is high up in the chain of command, you may be somewhat lost in your new job as this person most likely will not be easily accessible for day-to-day questions.
Question #6: Are there on-call requirements?
Why Ask This Question:
Hopefully, the interviewer had filled you in on the on-call requirements. However, as one of the questions to ask during your nurse practitioner interview, you should use this opportunity to obtain the exact details of this expectation. Nobody wants to be dumped on when it comes to being on-call, and the newbie, many times, is the perfect scapegoat for this practice. Find out what happens if a colleague can’t fulfill their call (and the same for yourself in these instances). Is it permitted that you can “trade” days? Who’s my backup? Will I receive extra pay? Whose patients will I cover? As you can see, there is a lot to discuss regarding this topic.
Question #7: Describe a typical day of one of your nurse practitioners.
Why Ask This Question:
Finding out about a typical day for an NP position can be quite revealing. You will gain valuable knowledge about the workflow and your duties and hopefully avoid any unpleasant surprises about the position.
If possible, see if you can
shadow another NP prior to making a determination on the job to experience a typical day in person. During an intense interview process, I asked to shadow in private family practice. I was highly interested in the position. When I shadowed, I uncovered a very unhappy and back-stabbing staff and environment, which was unexpected. If I had not asked to shadow a typical day, I would have accepted the position (which I did not).
What are the Best Questions to Ask About the “Organization/Company” During an NP Job Interview?
Question #1: What is the culture here?
Why Ask This Question:
This is one of the questions to ask during your NP interview that is very open-ended and general. First off, all of your interview questions should be open-ended to get the best feel for the job. You will be looking for answers pertaining to the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that make up the work atmosphere. Once you find out some of this information, you can see if the culture aligns with your beliefs, interests, and preferences for work. Essentially, you want to determine if you will fit into this environment and build satisfactory relations with your colleagues.
Question #2: What is the company’s view on flexible scheduling and remote work?
Why Ask This Question:
Some may not recommend this question as it may seem like you’re looking for an easy way out of the office. However, in this current
telemed culture, the question is very feasible for a nurse practitioner during an interview. If you have experience working remotely, you may be able to highlight your expertise in this area. However, if the answer is a negative one, I would not push this idea during the interview.
Question #3: How long has this organization been in practice?
Why Ask This Question:
There is risk involved if you are considering a job at a start-up practice. Will it thrive? How will the team work together? Is the management effective? If the organization does not have a track record, you will be liable to many unknowns. Some NPs thrive in this culture, but beware that the job can crumble and implode if it does not take off as it should. Conversely, organizations with a long history may be a more stable bet when looking for an NP job.
What are the Best Questions to Ask About the “Interviewer” During an NP Job Interview?
Question #1: What do enjoy about your job/the company?
Why Ask This Question:
Some of you may think that asking the interviewer questions about their thoughts on the job is off the table. However, you can glean much valuable insight from your interviewer if you ask the right question. So, one of the questions to ask during a nurse practitioner interview can pertain to queries about your interviewer’s opinion regarding the organization. Asking her how she enjoys her job or what she likes best about the company can give you a better understanding of the culture and position.
Question #2: Do you have any concerns about me for this position?
Why Ask This Question:
Such pointed questions to ask during your nurse practitioner interview may be awkward, but it serves a vital purpose. Having an honest appraisal of any concerns the company may have about your potential to succeed in this role gives you a chance to correct any misconceptions about your abilities. Also, you can utilize this objective feedback in the future to build your expertise in an area that is possibly lacking.
Question #3: How long have you been with the company?
Why Ask This Question:
It is always a good sign when the employees have been with a company for a number of years. I recall one job interview when the majority of the staff had been hired within the past few months, the administration included. This lack of longevity on the job was a big red flag for me. I was concerned about what possibly drove away the previous employees. This one point made me rethink the position and turn it down.
What are the Best Questions to Ask About the “Team” During an NP Job Interview?
Question #1: Is there a team approach to care?
Why Ask This Question:
We all know that
teamwork is essential for a cohesive and happy work environment. First off, you need to find out who the team is. Once you know who you will be working with, have the interviewer describe how the team works together.
Exploring the
team approach to care will give you a lot of insight into the dynamics of the group. A multidisciplinary approach to patient care should make your transition to a new job easier. Additionally, this approach can provide possibilities for leadership opportunities for you.
Question #2: What is your biggest concern about the team?
Why Ask This Question:
Here is another one of the revealing questions to ask during a nurse practitioner interview. Once again, don’t be afraid to ask probing questions that may be a bit uncomfortable. Answers may be as simple as different learning styles or several new additions to the team. However, you may uncover a more disturbing aspect or trend, such as an overly strong personality in the group that has caused discord in the past.
Question #3: What is my expected role within the team?
Why Ask This Question:
This is a great question to get right to the crux of what your new boss will expect of you within the team. You may unearth assumptions that you will be a particular physician’s handmaiden or that you will need to lead (and manage) the office staff. Having an answer to this question upfront will cut out much miscommunication (and misinformation) once hired.
Question #4: What does communication look like in this practice?
Why Ask This Question:
Try to get a response regarding in-person communication such as team and staff meetings, and team building exercises. While you are at it, ask about online
communication practices. This question may seem oversimplified, but miscommunication can ruin your job along with the practice. Great communication practices can help to create a happier office environment by increasing employee engagement along with improved patient satisfaction.
What are the Best Questions to Ask About the “Performance” During an NP Job Interview?
Question #1: How is my success measured in the practice?
Why Ask This Question:
In other words, find out about performance evaluations. Who is responsible for evaluating your performance? Are patient satisfaction surveys distributed and part of the rubric for your success? Hopefully, you won’t get a response about the measurement of success being somehow related to revenue generated. If so, you can expect pressure to bill and see more patients than you may be comfortable with.
Question #2: Describe some examples of how other NPs in this organization have succeeded.
Why Ask This Question:
Everyone measures success differently. Putting your finger on the pulse of what is considered a worthy accomplishment can give you a good idea of what is valued within the practice. See if their idea of success aligns with yours. Is it a reachable goal? Is this concept realistic for you at this juncture of your career? You need to set yourself up for success, and finding out where the end goal is will help you in the long run.
What are the Best Questions to Ask About the “Company Culture” During an NP Job Interview?
Question #1: Describe the working relationship between staff.
Why Ask This Question:
This is one of the more straightforward questions to ask during an NP interview. Besides being curious about these relationships, you should get a feel for how it is to work with the staff on a day-to-day basis. I have worked in NP jobs where the staff is warm and helpful. However, in several instances, I have worked with team members that think that TEAM is spelled with an “I”, and they do not mix well with the group. If it is just you and another colleague such as this working together, you most likely will have an awkward and unpleasant experience on the job.
Question #2: How can I contribute to the culture of the company?
Why Ask This Question:
Asking this question is more important about your willingness to contribute to a positive culture than actually eliciting an answer. The interviewer will give you big marks for asking this question. They want you to be able to assimilate and contribute to the group as much as you want to join one with a favorable culture. Of course, it is nice to hear what your potential employer expects from you in this matter. It is one more piece to the puzzle to help you make a wise decision for future employment.
Question #3: How does management cultivate positive company culture?
Why Ask This Question:
Cultivating a positive culture at work should not be the sole responsibility of the employees. It is encouraging to learn that management values the culture of their employees and creates opportunities such as office retreats, team-building sessions, and group holiday gatherings. Having fun at work and getting to know your colleagues on a personal basis strengthens work bonds.
What are the Best Questions to Ask About the “Work Environment” During an NP Job Interview?
Question #1: What does the organization do to encourage self-care for their employees?
Why Ask This Question:
Queries about
self-care may seem like trivial questions to ask. However, as one of the more unique questions to ask during your nurse practitioner interview, you can gain insight into how the organization cares and values its NPs. With so many health professionals leaving the profession, smart and considerate employers should have programs and policies in place to keep the morale and mental well-being of their employees at the forefront.
Question #2: How would you describe the work environment for this practice?
Why Ask This Question:
Most NPs do not want to work in a vacuum. Words like teamwork, great communication, supportive, and family all conjure up visions of a pleasant and encouraging work environment where most NPs would feel comfortable. Directly asking about the work environment should elicit an answer that meets your satisfaction and needs for a comfortable and supportive work environment.
What are the Best Questions to Ask About the “Training and Professional Development” During an NP Job Interview?
Question #1: What is the orientation process and how long does it last?
Why Ask This Question:
Learning about the orientation process is one of the most important questions to ask during an NP interview. Nothing is worse than being thrown to the wolves and expected to sink or swim when you first take a job. Many of us can recall such horrific onboarding experiences at some point in our nursing careers. You will want to find an orientation process that you feel comfortable with, especially if you are a new grad NP. So, asking questions such as the structure of the process, who’s in charge, and how many patients you are expected to see during the orientation period is reasonable.
Question #2: Will there be continued support or mentorship once orientation is complete?
Why Ask This Question:
With some orientations only lasting days, you will need to explore what happens for support beyond the orientation period. Is there someone that is assigned to serve as your
mentor or support person? If you are a new grad NP, you will need support well beyond most orientation periods.
As a new grad FNP, I had a week’s orientation at a large community health center, where I floated between several smaller clinics. Without a mentor, I was left to seek help from whomever I could. At the time, I did not know any better, so I dealt with this sketchy orientation the best I could. I learned who was willing to help me and who did not want to bother with a
new graduate nurse practitioner. It was less than ideal, and I hope that others do not have to experience such a scant initiation as an NP.
Question #3: What opportunities exist for professional development?
Why Ask This Question:
No matter what point you are in your NP career, we never want to stop improving. Medicine is an ever-changing and evolving science. Nurse practitioners need to keep up with the latest medications, technology, and techniques. Many NPs want to advance in their careers, sometimes necessitating new learning, certificates, and further education. Having an employer that values professional development by providing encouragement and the time and resources for further education is a winner. This is one of the questions to ask during your nurse practitioner interview that is especially crucial for NPs early on in their career when there still is much learning to be done.
What are the Best Questions to Ask About the “Growth and Advancement” During an NP Job Interview?
Question #1: Are there opportunities for advancement in this practice?
Why Ask This Question:
If your goal as an NP is to move up in the organization, asking questions during your nurse practitioner interview about
advancement opportunities is acceptable. To empower nurse practitioners, it would behoove an organization to include professional advancement models for their NPs to recognize and reward those who exceed expectations. Nurse practitioner empowerment is vital to the success of the employees and organization.
Question #2: Is there a structure in place, such as the performance evaluation, to help promote professional growth and development?
Why Ask This Question:
Most employers place a high value on professional growth for their NPs. Due to this importance, many include a section in the evaluation process pertaining to professional growth. When there is an expectation for professional growth, the employer typically provides opportunities for such. Plus, the NP can clearly determine avenues for growth based on this section in the performance evaluation.
Question #3: Does your organization offer financial assistance to NPs who wish to pursue further education as a means of advancement?
Why Ask This Question:
Asking questions during a nurse practitioner interview about reimbursement for further education shows the interviewer that you do not plan to be stagnant in your career. Employers love eager staff who want to do better. Plus, you will get to hear the answer to this important question that could help out financially.
Once, later in my career, I was asked about continuing my education during an interview. I honestly had not planned to pursue any further education as the job fit my current skill level perfectly. Also, I was at a point in my career (and life) where I was ready to settle into this position. So, I told the interviewer that I had no future plans to pursue additional education. There was an uncomfortable pause in the previous easy conversation. I could tell that my answer was disappointing. In hindsight, I could have been much more tactful in my response. Although I had no plans to go back to school and obtain my
DNP, I should have at least said something about the importance of life-long learning. Lesson learned!
Bonus! 5 Stupid Questions Never to Ask During a Nurse Practitioner Job Interview
The following are a few questions you should avoid asking in an NP job interview.
1. Personal questions.
A wise person once told me that you should never treat your interviewer like a friend. Do not offer too much personal information about yourself, and do not ask the interviewer anything about themselves. It is permissible to ask them about their work, however. Thus, questions to ask during your nurse practitioner interview should always pertain to professional topics.
2. Political questions.
It is always advisable to stay away from topics such as politics and religion in the workplace: especially during an interview. You might shoot yourself in the foot if you offer a differing opinion on these topics that are typically hot buttons. Plus, it is considered to be highly unprofessional to bring up these topics.
3. Salary.
Questions to ask during an NP interview about salary are typically a no-no. Most experts warn against discussions regarding compensation. It is recommended that you wait for the acceptance process to work out compensation. Due to this unwritten rule, I have always found the interview process to be highly frustrating. Much time and effort go into a typical interview process for a nurse practitioner. What if it is revealed that the pay is unacceptable at the end of this journey?
As a seasoned
FNP, I went through a rigorous 2-month interview process only to find out at the very end (when I was offered the job) that my pay would be the same as a new grad. My additional certifications and years of experience did not count for anything at this prestigious institution. It was a great disappointment. Hopefully, you have other means to find out the salary without having to wait until you are offered the job.
4. Major changes you can make.
It is never wise to make too many changes too soon in a new NP job. You risk alienation and pushback. You may have loads of great ideas and experience to offer your new employer. However, unless you are expected to be a change agent in this role, it is advisable to keep your opinions on change to yourself during the NP interview. The interviewer wants to see that you can assimilate yourself with the team, not push them away.
5. When can I take a vacation?
How many times have you been in an interview with a planned vacation on the horizon? When the interviewer tells you that they want you to start in one month, you feel unsettled as that just happens to coincide with your vacation. Yikes! During an interview, discussion about time off from the job is not appropriate. You want to portray an eager, hard-working employee that any employer would be thrilled to have on their team. Save this topic for the human resources person when you are offered the job. There is room for
negotiation at that point in the process. I have never heard of an employer retracting an offer due to an upcoming vacation.
My Final Thoughts
Obviously, you can’t ask all these questions listed in “30 best questions to ask during a nurse practitioner job interview in 2024”. However, in the past, I wish that I had an easily accessible list of great questions to ask when I was interviewing as an NP. Instead, I was left to wonder, “what are the best questions to ask during a nurse practitioner job interview?” Hopefully, you are now better equipped to have all your most pressing and vital questions on hand for your all-important NP job interview. Your future employer will be impressed by your preparation and intelligent queries about the job. Good luck in the pursuit of your perfect nurse practitioner position.
Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Our Expert
1. Can I Ask Too Many Questions In AN NP Interview?
You can possibly ask too many questions during your interview. You don’t want to drill the interviewer, but 5 or 6 thoughtful questions can be expected. There is an expectation that you have prepared ahead of time and did your homework on the organization and position. So, you should have some idea about the job to begin with. Stick to questions that dig a bit deeper into the organization and job.
2. Can I Ask Personal Questions To My NP Interviewer?
I would stay away from personal questions. The exception may be if the interviewer brings up the topic, such as their children or a vacation. It is then acceptable to ask a general question such as the ages of the children to show interest. However, I would not dive deep on the topic.
3. Can I Ask Political Questions To My NP Interviewer?
No, never, never, never ask political questions during an interview.
4. Can I Ask Questions About Salary And Benefits In My NP Interview?
Experts advise against asking about salary during an NP interview. As hard as this is to adhere to wait until you receive a job offer to discuss salary.
5. Can I Ask Questions About Work-Life Balance In My NP Interview?
Yes, these days the topic of work-life balance is an acceptable choice for questions.
6. What Are The 3 Most Common Questions NPs Ask During Their Job Interviews?
Questions that are popular are: “Who will I be working with”? “What does a typical day look like for an NP” and “What does the orientation process consist of”?
7. What Are 3 unique Questions To Ask During My NP Interview?
Unique questions can be based on the individual institution or position. That’s what makes it unique and not a “canned” question. Other ideas are as follows. Do you have any concerns about me for this NP position? What does the organization do to encourage self-care for their employees? What is your biggest concern about the team?
8. What Are 3 Best Questions To Ask At The End Of My NP Interview?
The best questions to ask at the end of the interview are as follows. What are the next steps in this process? When will I hear from you/the organization? If I have additional questions, whom do I contact (and get the contact information)?
9. Is It Okay To Ask Questions After The NP Interview?
Yes, it is fine to ask a question or 2 after the interview. I would try to get most of my questions answered while interviewing in person, however,
10. Is It Okay Not To Ask Any Questions In My NP Interview?
It is not mandatory that you ask questions during the interview. However, if you have unanswered questions, you should ask them. Some interviews may leave you with many questions, while others are very thorough, leaving all your questions satisfied. I have always at least asked a question or 2 in my interviews, sometimes many more.
Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN
Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing.